John Haynes - Managing Director, Shock Mitigation

John is an Associate Fellow of The Nautical Institute, Fellow of RINA, Commercial Yachtmaster Ocean and Advanced Powerboat Instructor. Subject matter expertise includes 30 years professional sector training, consultancy and strategic product development. He has worked with over 100 organisations including military, SAR, police, commercial operators, designers, OEM equipment manufacturers and boat builders.

He has chaired a broad range of maritime conferences and workshops. Technical papers and specialist articles on future requirements and new technology for international publications include Ship & Boat International (RINA), Defence IQ, Maritime Reporter, Marine Link, Marine News, Maritime Journal, Seaways, Maritime Pilot Journal, Powerboat & RIB, Yachting Matters (Superyacht), Ship & Offshore.

He is founder of RIB & HSC (High Speed Craft) which brings together specialist craft, equipment and knowledge for professional maritime operators in the sub IMO / sub 24m sector worldwide. At Seawork 2016 he was voted Maritime Professional of the Year.


Balancing the Need For Speed with Reliability and Durability - of Boats and People

The ‘need for speed’ has been at the heart of professional fast craft operations since powerboats first overtook their bow wave and went on the plane. Part of the ‘changing world’ scenario for professional maritime organisations is the high expectations placed on next generation craft in the sub IMO / sub 24 metre (80 feet) sector. Operators must be able to rely on their boats and equipment at all times. In certain situations failure is not an option – the engineering must not break. Professional boat operators around the world have learned that high power and performance are relevant, but reliability and durability, linked to a strong international service, spares and support network are important factors for all types of boats, power trains and onboard systems.

Engines and propulsion systems that are designed and built for professional or commercial operations need to run hard, often for long hours in adverse sea conditions. Major innovations in both engines and propulsion technology are taking place in the dynamic sector between ‘large boats’ and ‘small ships’. In the shadow of global recession it is clear that industry has realised that innovations must be linked to genuine end-user requirements at procurement stage and reduced operating budgets. A major growth area in fast craft development has been under 15 metre (50 feet). Established and new players are delivering propulsion technology solutions and innovative hull forms that range from slight percentage gains to game changers.


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