Kai Reichelt - Business Development Manager Testing, RINA
Following military service Kai started his career as an electronics technician in 1997. He changed to sea shipping in 2000. Further education up to 2008, including Marine Engineer at Management Level, was followed by roles as Superintendent for Bulk Carriers and Container Vessels from 2008 to 2016. The role as Superintendent included the takeover of new buildings, plus the establishment and leading of a site office in Cyprus. The position as Technical and Engineering Leader in a Cocoa Factory for over 5 years enabled discovery of a new field of challenges. But the sea was always calling and he took up his current role at RINA in May 2022.
Why Hydrogen and Derivatives are now being considered as Alternative Energy for Ferries
Many challenges are appearing in conjunction with decarbonization around the business of shipping. What does this mean in reality? In fact there will not be a single fuel anymore for any type of vessel. But the correct fuel has to be chosen based on operation pattern as well as safety strategies along with requirements for availability. This choice is not simple, as it is likely to be lasting for decades.
Due to new developments and sophistication in technologies, potential powering systems are becoming feasible which would not have even been thinkable 2 or 3 years ago. There is now a tendency to include new energy technology for maritime projects, significantly hydrogen and it’s derivatives. This is also for ferries, which can be a challenge with their limited space and complex calculations regarding hazardous zone. The presentation gives insights about actual developments.
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