Paul Savage OBE - Maritime Medical Solutions Consultant, Saviour Medical
Paul walked into a Lifeboat station on his 17th birthday and never left, initially volunteering at Poole and now at Tower Lifeboat in London. With his interest in remote and maritime paramedical medicine he joined the RNLI full time in 2005 as Clinical Operations Manager. He was responsible for the operational medical response of all of the UK and Eire’s Lifeboat crew, Lifeguards and Flood Response teams, as well as the architect and custodian of the Clinical Governance of the RNLI. He advised on all matters casualty care related - from kit carried, casualty care course design to casualty-friendly boat design. For a complete step change of maritime medicine around the UK, Paul was awarded an OBE in December 2013. Since 2014 as a self employed consultant, Paul has a mixed portfolio of pre-hospital medical related work, including Clinical Governance and University Lecturing.
Paul is Chairman of the UK Search and Rescue Medical Group which shapes the future and direction of UK SAR medicine, and is a member of the Main Advisory Board and the Training and Standards Board of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital care of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). He is also an instructor for specialist elite sections of UK Military.
Breaking the Historical Paradigms of Maritime First Aid Training
Drawing on 30 years of Search and Rescue service with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and HM Coastguard, combined with the very latest medical research, Paul will explain why ingrained historical paradigms and tick box first aid training are setting marine personnel up to fail when presented with a medical situation before the arrival of professional help in the maritime arena. The presentation will review what paradigms exist, and how each one can be broken to allow a more modern and flexible approach to maritime first aid training. The aim is to dispel myths and suggest better ways of protecting personnel and saving salvageable life.
The presentation will draw on the detail of what conditions actually occur in the maritime sector and explain how these can effect survival. Highly relevant to all maritime sectors. the presentation will dispel many myths that cloud understanding and in some instances have produced significant negative consequences, and also link into the crucial factors related to equipment and behaviour that effect survival once in the water.
He will also cover the immediate correct medical treatment required of the various immersion and submersion casualties at a first aid or casualty care level, applicable to non-medical professionals and maritime responders, which will be aligned to UK Search and Rescue practice. He will also explain why the Saviour Stretcher was developed to address and overcome specific challenges for maritime first responders in large and small vessels.
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