NEXT GEN Marine HYDROGEN - April 2023

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NEXT GEN Marine HYDROGEN via Zoom - 25 April 2023

The fourth edition of NEXT GEN Marine HYDROGEN Workshop was run via Zoom on 25 April 2023. A high level industry group from 10 countries looked at the near term potential for Hydrogen, Methanol and Ammonia for maritime.

Topics included cutting edge experience of the first hydrogen vessels as they commence operations. Both Hydrogen with Fuel Cell and as a Dual Fuel in internal combustion engines.

Workshop Lead, John Haynes, highlighted global and sector opportunities for all forms of Hydrogens saying, 'We are now seeing various tipping points towards adoption, especially as barriers to legislation and classification are being removed. There will be capital costs involved with new technology, but innovative re-power solutions should mean that we can adapt existing vessels. Hydrogen, methanol and ammonia all have potential - ranging from small engines using Hydrogen gas to the largest ships in the world considering methanol and ammonia as alternative fuels.'

 Presenters - Session 1:

John Haynes - NEXT GEN Marine
Global & Sector Opportunities for all forms of Hydrogen

Prof Alasdair Cairns - University of Nottingham
The Potential of Green Ammonia and Methanol to Decarbonise Commercial Vessels

Jonathan Hall - MAHLE Powertrain
HyJet - Hydrogen Jet Ignition for High Performance Vessels

Kirk Waltz - ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
Green Corridors and US Government Investment in Clean Energy

 Presenters - Session 2:

Jamie Warner - CMB.TECH
Lessons from First Ports and Vessels using Hydrogen and Dual Fuel Engines

Various International Presenters
Updates on Hydrogen Vessels / Fuel Cell, Battery-Electric, Foiling

Albert Willemsen - Environment & Sustainability Lead
International Hydrogen Strategies / Opportunities for Vessel Builders and Refit Yards

 Presenters - Session 3:

Kai Reichelt - RINA
Why Hydrogen and Derivatives are now being considered as Alternative Energy for Ferries

Peter Van de Graaf - Lloyd’s Register
View on Evolving Hydrogen Guidance and Rules

Meg Dowling - ABS
Update from US Activity and ABS Requirements for Hydrogen Fueled Vessels

Panel Discussions:

What Opportunities and Challenges for Hydrogen, Methanol and Ammonia?

What are the Obstacles and Barriers to Classification of Hydrogen Vessels?

NEXT GEN topics are relevant to Workboats, Pilot Boats, Patrol Boats, Search & Rescue, Military, Offshore, Superyacht, Ports, Harbours and Marinas.

Attendees include Maritime Organisations, Commercial Operators, Boat Builders, Manufacturers, Engineers, Naval Architects, Designers, Classification, Legislators.

The unique knowledge gained from NEXT GEN presenters, panel discussions and networking has helped to shape long term decisions leading to improvements for in-service powertrain and energy systems along with specification and procurement of next generation vessels. See NEXT GEN Attendees

NEXT GEN Marine HYDROGEN Workshop >

For information about NEXT GEN Workshops and Training contact:

Claire Donnelly +44 (0)7709 675258



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